Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Man Down!

Like most of the province right now, Creston is covered in a beautiful layer of snow. We have recieved a skiff of snow here and there for the past few days, today being the 'heaviest' snowfall day of the week (but by no means heavy when compared to Northern communities).
Both dogs have enjoyed walks in the snow (Hunter's are very short, almost teaser walks) and I have managed to successfully put off snow shovelling for 3 days (but no longer, I'm afraid).
Today after lunch, Buster went outside to the backyard to play in the snow. I decided to let Hunter out to have some snow time himself, and although his surgeon's orders were to be on-leash at all times, I felt that I trusted him to behave himself in the yard.
Hunter and Buster had a great time playing with their bones, tossing them about the yard and pouncing on them. Buster's play sessions last for about 3 minutes and then he is bored and wants to come back inside to nap and the couch, and this never fails. So Buster trotted back upstairs to ask to come inside shortly after the commencement of this play 'sesh'. Hunter continued to play, but soon decided that this game was not as much fun by himself so he came upstairs to engage Buster back in their game. At the top of the snowy stairs, he decided to do a quick round-about and bolt back down the stairs....only he slipped on the snow and ended up falling down the entire flight of stairs (a full story).
During what seemed like an eternity I stood at the door, not breathing and I'm sure my heart stopped beating as well. Visions of a bent orthopedic screw, a fractured callus and many more gruesome injuries flashed through my mind....
Hunter reached the landing and seemed a bit stunned. He then popped up and took a few exaggerated steps on his 'bum leg' (I'm still not breathing at this point).
And then, just like that, he's good to go. He trots up the steps, bone in mouth to try and get Buster back into their game. I, finally managing to restart my respiratory system, grab his collar and drag both dogs back into the safety of the house.
After gentle palaption and inspection of his surgical elbow and the rest of him, I found no injuries. He walked over to his bed and plunked down to chew on his Nyla-bone......and seems no worse for the wear.
Now I know, I know, when the Doctor says on-leash at all times he means AT ALL TIMES. Hunter just looked so brilliantly happy being allowed to galavant around the yard with his buddy that I did not have the heart to ruin that for him!
I hope his 2 minutes of fun was worth it...and hope I don't have a gimpy dog this evening....

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